I think most of the people do not realize this. So I decided to have a small science class here explaining why (suggested by my cousin brother):
Chapter 1: How Come The Meat Would Not Burn Into Black Carbon?

1. Heat transfer from the heater to the grill (just to make sure you actually started the heater).
2. Energy will transfer from higher energy level to lower energy level (just like water flow from higher ground to lower ground).
3. Heat is also a kind of energy, so it will transfer from hotter to cooler place.
4. The edge of the grill is cooler than the center when the edge is filled with soup. So more heat transfer to the edge than the center when the soup is still there (if you do not suck it all).
5. The more soup you put at the edge, the lower the temperature at the center. The water will absorb most of the energy because evaporation needs many energy and obviously more energy than cooking the meat (that is why your car engine is also cooled by water).
So, that is why your meat is still nice in color.
It's good to share knowledge mar.. lol..
then your blog will become informative and educative.. lol
yea, i think this idea is good le...
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