Who says economy no good? Luxuries are almost everywhere, they are not just doing GOOD, they are growing like mushrooms after the rain. I bet you had tried out any of these: Big Apple Donuts, Dunkin Donuts, Desserts Bar, and those ice creams kingdoms like New Zealand Natural, Haagen-Dazs and Baskin-Robbins. Now you got what I mean. You will see them in every place when you are trying to get some leisure time, hunting you like ghost.
These are more towards western, I said this because they are no doubt 100% western food. Since China is moving fast in the eye of the World, it is not natural not to get something luxuries from one of the oldest civilization of the world. There comes Mr. Baoz.
Bao, or simply bun with ingredients are unavoidable in Chinese history. Even today, chinese people are just crazy on this food. They wake up at 5 something in the morning during weekend and head out for some Bao and Dim Sum with their family. However, the Bao I am referring so far is cost not more than RM1.50 per piece.

Now, during the season where everyone thinks that the economy is no good (some even says economy crisis) the Bao can sell with the price tag of RM3.50 per piece. Common' man, if the economy is so damn bad, why people are taking out RM3.50 just for one Bao? They can eat A LOT MORE if they spent if WISELY?

Of course, presentation of the Bao are very important, especially when you want to sell it as if it is a rocket accessory. I found out some damn true facts when I eat this thing: First, if it looks nice, it WILL taste nice (this is call human imagination, if you want me to say it so damn clear);

Second, if it is expensive, you will remember the brand forever and ever, and you WILL definitely thinking of buying it again!;

Second, if it is expensive, you will remember the brand forever and ever, and you WILL definitely thinking of buying it again!;
Third, no matter you like the taste or not, you will tell your friend about it and make FREE ADVERTISEMENT for them, just because THEY ARE EXPENSIVE (and you are the one who paying them). No offense, but it is damn true.
Special thanks to my Mr. Baoz sponsor: Mr. Ham Ham